Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) implements monitoring plan assessment and report verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport, RS says in a press release.
RS renders the service according to the Regulation (EU) 2015/757 of 29 April 2015. The Regulation provides mandatory requirements on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport in order to minimize the impact on the environment.
The Regulation covers ships above 5000 GT calling EU ports, including intra-Union voyages. Non-compliance with the Regulation, i.e. if the document of compliance issued by a verifier is not carried on board the ship concerned will be refused from entrance into any of the EU ports until the company fulfils its monitoring and reporting obligations.
In the first instance, the monitoring plan assessment and report verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport services are demanded by the shipowners whose ships fly the flags of the maritime administrations that have recognized RS.
“Our auditors have passed training with a focus on measurement management and data flow management systems. They also have acquired real-life experience in the implementation of unconventional projects that feature the challenge of huge scope of requirements, such as vessel traffic system certification, surveys in compliance with the International STCW Convention, development of corporate maritime safety management systems. This enables us to carry out the monitoring plan assessment and report verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport to maximum effect,” notes Head of the RS Department for Management Systems and Products Certification Anton Vinogradov.
RS scope of competence in terms of monitoring plan assessment and report verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport is confirmed upon audit results by accreditation issued by DANAK (accreditation number 01-7510).
Requests for the service may be submitted directly to RS or via the European Maritime Safety Agency THETIS-MRV system.