A detachment of warships of the Pacific Fleet, consisting of the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the missile cruiser Varyag, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleev and the medium sea tanker Pechenga, have arrived at the main base of the Vladivostok fleet after completing the tasks of a long voyage, says press center of RF Defence Ministry.
At the pier of Korabelnaya embankment, a ceremony was held to welcome the detachment of warships after a two-month long voyage.
The ceremonial meeting dedicated to the meeting of the ship was attended by representatives of the command and military personnel of the Pacific Fleet, relatives and friends of naval sailors, representatives of veteran and public organizations.
Acting Fleet Commander Sergei Rekish, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Military Council of the Pacific Fleet, congratulated the crews on the successful fulfillment of the assigned tasks of long-distance ocean navigation. Traditionally, the crews were presented with roasted pigs.
A detachment of warships of the Pacific Fleet has been performing long-range missions since November 1, 2020. During the cruise, the Pacific Fleet ships cowered over 12 thousand nautical miles and visited the ports of Trincomalee (Sri Lanka) and Tanjung Perak (Surabaya, Indonesia) with business calls, which contributed to the further development of naval cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
The solemn ceremony ended with the general passage of the Pacific Fleet surface ships detachment personnel.