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2021 February 11   16:59

Professor Khlyustin work-study vessel set sail for this year’s first voyage

The Professor Khlyustin work-study vessel set sail for the first time in 2021 navigation periodOn February 5, 2021, the Professor Khlyustin work-study vessel left the seaport of Vladivostok on its first trip of 2021 navigation period, Rosmorport says in its press release.

On board the vessel there are 121 cadets and 2 teachers of the Amur Branch of the Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy for navigation experience, as well as 37 crew members of the vessel.

This year, navigation training has been shifted to an early date at the request of the management of the Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy in order to allow cadets to gain the necessary navigation experience.

The route of the Professor Khlyustin work-study vessel was mapped along the coast of Primorsky Krai, taking into account the actual ice and meteorological situation. The cadets will work out practical issues regarding vessel assembly, operation of ship equipment and mechanisms, as well as get acquainted with navigation equipment.

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