New joint project of IAA PortNews and Marine Engineering Bureau with free participation
New season of industry-focused online events organized by IAA PortNews and Marine Engineering Bureau starts with the webinar “Container legend: future shipping by Volga and Yenisey” focused on water transport development in Russia. It will be held on 24 February 2021 (12:00, Moscow time).
Among the key issue to be discussed at the webinar are the types of cargo to be transported by Russian rivers in the future, cargo base expansion opportunities, prospects of container flows by rivers similar to those of Germany and China.
The basic report at the webinar will be delivered by Gennady Yegorov, Professor, head of Marine Engineering Bureau. The roundtable discussion will involve the industry specialists and experts including Konstantin Anisimov, Deputy Head of Rosmorrechflot (Federal Marine and River Transport Agency); Yury Gilts, head of Volga Shipping Company; Albert Vygovsky, General Director of Pola Rise LLC; Sergey Fofanov, Chairman of Nefteflot BoD; Hokim Matchanov, UIFA Chairman, FIATA BoD member; Anatoly Belozerov, General Director of P.Transco; Sofia Katkova, Project Manager, Morstroytechnology, etc. New participant of the webinar series – container logistics expert Aleksey Bezborodov, CEO of InfraNews.
Participation in the webinar on the ZOOM platform is free. Prior registration is required. Application should be sent to (company, name, position, email, telephone).
The event is supported by the organizing committee of TRANSTEC 2021 and NEVA.