A contract for RUB 3.920 billion will be signed with the winner

According to the official website of the Unified Information System for Procurement, Zelenodolsk Shipyard was among three bidders together with Yaroslavsky Shipyard and Okskaya Shipyard.
Initial (maximum) price of the contract – RUB 4,240,600,000.
Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky has been acknowledged the winner. The construction will be financed by the federal budget.
According to specifications, the ship will have the following particulars: LOA – 30.87 m; LBP - 29 m; BOA – 11.2 m; depth – 5.51 m; draft – 4.02 m; navigational draft – 4.97 m; power of main engines (at least) 2х1920 kW; bollard pull when running ahead - 65 t; bollard pull at astern running - 60 t; speed (at least) 14 knots; crew- 10; endurance (fresh water) - 10 days, cruising range at economic speed of 11.2 knots – 3,500 miles.
The works under the contract are to be completed by 20 December 2024.
The ships are to be delivered to the state customer at the berths of the following seaports: the first ship – at the port of Murmansk; the second one – Arkhangelsk; the third one – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky; the fourth one – Arkhangelsk; the fifth one – Arkhangelsk.
Tatarstan-based OJSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after M. Gorky, specializes in the construction of warships and passenger high-speed vessels. The enterprise is managed by AK BARS HOLDING.