Dilijan Mirzoev has joined the editorial expert board of PortNews Media Group’ Hydrotechnika journal.
Dilijan A. Mirzoev is the leading scientist in the field of hydraulic engineering facilities for development of oil and gas resources on the continental shelf, D.Sc. in engineering, professor, teacher and member of the Dissertations Board at the Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University.
Dilijan Mirzoev is a member of the ISO Committee for Arctic Facilities; from 1993 – member of the Organizing Committee, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas Resources Development of the Russian Arctic and Continental Shelf (RAO); member of Research and Development Board of Gazprom’s section “Technical and technological aspects of offshore development” and some expert groups on oil and gas fields under the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; author of the first Russian edition in three volumes “Basics of offshore oil and gas development”.
The federal regulatory framework for designing of facilities for offshore oil and gas field development was prepared under scientific supervision of Dilijan Mirzoev. He took part in development of Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2, Prirazlomnoye and Shtokmanovskoye projects as well as the head of the international project Yuzhny Pars in the gulf of Persia, Iran.
At the request of Hydrotechnika editorial office, Dilijan Mirzoev develops the section dedicated to hydraulic engineering facilities for shelf projects. He will supervise this part of the journal.