Skipsteknisk is honoured to announce that the fishing company Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation(QFC) operating out of Iqaluit on Baffin Island in Canada has awarded the design contract for their new state-of-the-art freezer trawler to Skipsteknisk.
The new multi-species factory freezer trawler will be named “Saputi II”. It will have a carrying capacity of 800 tons of shrimps or 1200 tons of turbot. The vessel is of ST-118 design and will have a length of 79 m and a beam of 17 m.
The trawler will be built with heavy ice-class and designed for operation in severe climatic conditions in the Bay of Baffin. The vessel will be built with a crew capacity of 34 crewmembers.
The fishing company QFC operates today the factory trawler “Saputi” built in Norway in 1987, at that time for a Faroe Island client. Also this vessel is designed by Skipsteknisk.