Port charges regulated by FAS of Russia have not been indexed from 2016
Port charges collected in Russian seaports to undergo indexation in the end of 2021 and from 1 January 2022, says FSUE Rosmorport.
The relevant Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service dated 20.10.2021 № 1411/21 is registered by the Ministry of Justice and published on the official internet portal for legal information.
Before the end of the year, rates of port charges collected by FSUE Rosmorport from foreign shipping vessels will be raised by 3.1% on the average versus the level of 2016. From 1 January 2022, all rates of port charges collected from foreign shipping vessels and short-sea vessels in 53 seaports of Russia will undergo indexation not exceeding inflation, by 3.4% of 2021 rates.
According to the statement, port charges regulated by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia have not been indexed from 2016, port charges collected from short-sea vessels – from 2014. Meanwhile, consumer prices and manufacturers’ prices have increased by 2.1 and 2.4 times accordingly.
“With no indexation for a long period of time and reduction of volumes carried over 11 months of the current year by 10%, revenues of Rosmorport from regulated port charges have decreased by 7% in 2021”, says the company’s statement.
In general, port charges make less than 10% of ships’ total payments for services provided in ports. Unregulated services account for over 90% of payments. Unlike port charges, they are subject to indexation or depend on exchange rates.
The document is available in Russian >>>>