LAS Admiral Panteleev of RF Navy’s Pacific Fleet started transition to Vladivostok from Indonesia after participation in ARNEX-2021
The large antisubmarine ship of the Pacific Fleet (PF) Admiral Panteleev started transition to the permanent deployment base in Vladivostok, says press center of RF Defence Ministry. The LAS Admiral Panteleev took part in the first joined naval exercise of Russia and ACEAN countries – ARNEX-2021, which took place in the area of island Ve near Indonesia.
The naval exercise was participated by the ships of Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei and Myanmar. During the exercise the joint maneuvering, signals organization and rescue operation on the sea was worked out. The algorithm of actions of suspected vessel inspection was worked out.
The naval exercise of the ACEAN countries were conducted for the first time and aimed to keep peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region.