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  3. AmmPower announces Letter of Intent to develop ammonia production facility at the Port of South Louisiana

2022 February 1   14:40

AmmPower announces Letter of Intent to develop ammonia production facility at the Port of South Louisiana

AmmPower Corp. has signed a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) to develop a green hydrogen/ammonia facility at the Port of South Louisiana (“POSL”), according to the company's release. Port of South Louisiana is one of the largest tonnage ports in the Western Hemisphere, servicing over $57 Billion in Exports, and $18 Billion in imports every year. Stretching 54 miles along the Mississippi River, POSL is a vital port to the United States, and as of 2019, ranked first in total domestic trade and second in total foreign trade.

AmmPower will build a large green hydrogen and ammonia facility, to produce, store and distribute greenammonia for use as a carbon free fuel and a carrier of hydrogen energy. The facility, based upon future feasibility studies, could produce up to 4,000 tonnes of green ammonia per day, would service the fueling of oceangoing vessels (over 4,500/year) at the POSL, and also provide hydrogen rich, green ammonia for use domestically and for export. Ammonia is not only the ideal fuel for carbon free shipping but is also the best carrier to move green hydrogen short and long distances. At the point of use, hydrogen can be released from the ammonia using a process known as ‘cracking.’ AmmPower possess an expert team, led by Dr. Zhenyu Zhang that are global experts in cracking methodologies.

This project, led by Maarten Mobach, President, AmmPower Maritime and long-time industry veteran, will be one of the first renewable energy project of this scale, at one of the largest working ports in the world.

Given the magnitude of this project, and its direct impact on shareholders, AmmPower will create a separate section of its website called “Projects”, in the coming weeks, which will feature a selection of our endeavors amongst them Port of South Louisiana.

About AmmPower

AmmPower is a resource exploration company with an increasing focus on clean energy. The Company is based in Toronto, Ontario, with a research and manufacturing facility in Southeast Michigan. The company owns the Whabouchi South lithium exploration property located in the James Bay/Eeyou Istche region of Quebec and holds an option over the Titan Property located in the Klotz Lake area in Northwestern Ontario. In addition, together with its partner, ORF Technologies Inc., based in Toronto, Canada, the Company is working on the development of a proprietary solution to produce green ammonia and green hydrogen, and is also investigating revolutionary catalyst methods to react Nitrogen and Hydrogen together with the aim of creating 100% clean, and cost effective green, turquoise, and blue ammonia.

About Port of South Louisiana

The Port of South Louisiana is one of the largest ports by tonnage in the Western Hemisphere, hosting over 3,600 oceangoing vessels every year, amounting to over 130M [US short tons] of cargo (15% of Total U.S. Exports, respectively). Port of South Louisiana (“POSL”) occupies over 50 miles of the Mississippi River, #4 Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ #124) in America, and a key port of entry and exit to the United States.

POSL is strategically located, and houses over 40 liquid and bulk terminals and serves as the #2 energy transfer port in the U.S., currently housing four major oil & seven crude oil storage terminals. POSL does over $57 Billion worth of exports, and over $18 Billion worth of imports every year.

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