Under the programmes of basic professional education, MRA trained 1,928 people (+53%, year-on-year). 1,366 trainees of that number got their first trade certificates. The most popular programmes were those of “Dock Engineer”, “Slingsman” and “Tallyman”. Retraining and advanced professional education courses were completed by 562 people under the following programmes: “Fork Lift Operator, Category D”, “Crane Operator”, “Signalman-Connector”, “Operator of Telescopic Container Loader”.
In 2021, Marine Recruiting Agency trained students of industry-focused educational institutions: Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, College of Admiral Makarov SUMIS, Saint-Petersburg Sea Fishing College and D.N. Senyavin Marine Technical College. Almost 200 students passed training programmes of “Slingsman” and “Tallyman”. MRA Training Center had developed specially customized programmes for students taking into account their fundamental knowledge. The practical training was arranged at the facilities of Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg JSC.
Additional training programmes were selected by 704 people (-21%, year-on-year) with “Labour Safety” and “Fire Safety Basics” being the most popular ones, as usual.
In the reported period, Marine Recruiting Agency organized “Communicative Culture” and “Human Resources” courses to develop the competence of managers and specialists of the industry companies.
In the navigation season, Marine Recruiting Agency offered a “Small Craft Navigation” course. It will be offered again in March of the current year.
About the company:
Marine Recruiting Agency LLC is one of Russia’s leading recruiting companies offering services on training and selection of personnel to provide transport, logistic, stevedoring and other companies with highly skilled employees.
Established in 2001, MRA is a subsidiary Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg JSC. From 2016 the company is accredited by Federal Service on Labour and Employment for performing the activities related to provision of personnel.
The Agency has its own Training Centre with its own technical infrastructure. Its functions are primary training, re-qualification and advanced training on the basis of various educational programmes.