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  3. ASENAV S.A. shipyard in Chile places an order for 2 × 12V175D-MM IMO Tier II engines

2022 February 17   11:15

ASENAV S.A. shipyard in Chile places an order for 2 × 12V175D-MM IMO Tier II engines

ASENAV S.A. shipyard in Chile has placed an order for 2 × 12V175D-MM IMO Tier II engines, each rated at 2,040 kW @ 1,800 rpm, according to MAN's release. The engines will provide propulsion power for a 70 TBP ASD tug of As ASENAV’s own design. The vessel will also be delivered as future-proof, allowing for the retrofitting of exhaust-gas after-treatment to meet IMO Tier III standards.

The engines will be manufactured at MAN Energy Solutions’ dedicated, state-of-the-art Frederikshavn facility in Denmark with delivery scheduled for the end of February 2022, while vessel completion is planned for June 2022.

About the MAN 175D engine
MAN Energy Solutions has developed the MAN 175D engine range to supplement and complete its product portfolio in the maritime sector. In three variants of 12, 16 and 20 cylinders, the engine is available with an output ranging from 1,500 to 4,400 Kilowatts and is optimised for propelling ferries, offshore supply vessels, tugs and other working vessels. Other market areas, such as super-yachts and naval marine applications are also served by additional engine variants.

It is also an extremely eco-friendly engine, having been designed from the outset with compliance to latest exhaust-gas-emission standards and considering, as well, future requirements, by utilising a very compact and flexible SCR system, which enables vessel designers to optimise space on board to the maximum.

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