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2022 February 24   16:25

ECSA welcomes extension of Coordinated Maritime Presence in the Gulf of Guinea and North-Western Indian Ocean

The European shipping industry welcomes the EU’s political commitment to the strengthening of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and North-Western Indian Ocean, according to ECSA's release.
Two sets of Council Conclusions have been adopted on Monday to extend and enhance the EU’s Coordinated Maritime Presence (CMP) in the Gulf of Guinea and in the North-Western Indian Ocean, signalling the continued commitment by the EU and its Member States to maritime security. The Conclusions also acknowledge the key role of Operation ATALANTA in the Indian Ocean.

ECSA welcomes the extension of the Coordinated Maritime Presence in the Gulf of Guinea until 2024, as this region remains a dangerous piracy hotspot and a challenging area of operation for vessels and their crews. Despite the decrease in overall incident numbers in the past year, recent incidents are a sound reminder of the ongoing threat of piracy. While shipowners continue to play their role to mitigate the risk, government action remains crucial through deployment of adequate naval assets, capacity building and support to the Yaoundé Architecture.

ECSA has supported the development of the Coordinated Maritime Presence since its inception and continues to support its application. The Coordinated Maritime Presence in the North-Western Indian Ocean launched by the dedicated Council Conclusions can improve coordination and improve synergies between the EU initiatives in the area and cooperation with regional and international actors.

ECSA welcomes the recognition by Member States of the importance of Operation ATALANTA and of the role it has played and continues to play for security in the region. European shipowners support the mandate of the Operation as it ensures stability and provides essential support in terms of information sharing and reporting.

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