DNV recently awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) certificate to Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (DSIC) and COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Limited (CSET) for their new conceptual design of a methanol-fuelled very large crude carrier (VLCC), according to the company's release.
Developed by DSIC for CSET, it is the first methanol-fuelled VLCC design from China. DNV has drawn on global resources, extensive knowledge, and expertise for the project to assure the design complies with the latest regulations and DNV’s class notation “LFL fuelled”.
Methanol has attracted interest from the shipping industry as an alternative, low-carbon fuel because it is possible to produce it from renewable feedstocks such as municipal and industrial waste, bioenergy, and from CO2 and hydrogen. Methanol technologies are readily available and have already seen first commercial use.
Based on the latest generation of VLCCs at DSIC, the design factors in the following targets: using methanol as the main fuel for a full range of cruising; maintaining cargo capacity to the owner’s expectation; establishing redundancy for methanol tanks and fuel supply systems.
This project reflects the determination of DSIC and CSET to proactively implement China’s policy of "realizing carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060" and the IMO’s GHG strategy 2050.