Oil use is expected to decrease by 30-60%
Global use of coal is expected to decrease by 85-95% by 2050 with observance of Paris Climate Agreement, Igor Bashmakov, Director of the Center for Efficient Use of Energy, lead author of the WG III of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told journalists.
“Up to 2024, coal can retain its market niche and even increase it amid the current situation in the global energy market but coal will not return, coal will become a history,” said Igor Bashmakov.
According to data shared by Igor Bashmakov, oil use is expected to decrease by 30-60% (depending on reaching the global temperature target of 1.5С or 2С).
Natural gas use may increase by 10% or decrease by 40% (in case of temperature growth by 2С) or even by 60% (in case of temperature growth by 1.5С).
Paris Climate Agreement is an international treaty on climate change, adopted in 2015. The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.