Sections with no need of maintenance for cargo or passenger transportation will be excluded
The length of Russia’s inland water ways is to reduce by 1,061.5 kilometers from 2023 with the exclusion of sections without aids to navigation and guaranteed dimensions as well as sections where hydrological conditions do not meet navigation requirements or where there is no need of waterways maintenance for cargo or passenger transportation, according to the report of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) at the conference dedicated to navigation safety on inland water ways of the Russian Federation held in Khanty-Mansyisk.
According to the report, the length of inland water ways with guaranteed dimensions will be increased by 2025 to 51,907.8 km, by 2.4% from 50,682.8 km in 2022.
Over 150 hydraulic engineering facilities on Russia’s IWW to undergo reconstruction by 2025>>>>