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2022 September 7   15:49

Investments of Klaipeda Port Authority opens new opportunities for container stevedoring

The reconstruction of quays intended for container stevedoring was finished in the southern part of Klaipėda Port, in Malkų Bay, and a new depth parameter was achieved, according to Klaipėda State Seaport Authority. The investments of the Port Authority safeguard the possibility to UAB Klaipėdos konteinerių terminalas (en. Klaipėda Container Terminal Ltd) to receive vessels of bigger parameters, of type Post Panamax, hence, increasing stevedoring capacities and company’s competitiveness.

“New facilities allow already receiving vessels of bigger parameters, of type Post Panamax, for stevedoring, which means bigger attractiveness of the port and more effective logistic chain for cargo consignors. Stevedoring of cargo containers is growing the fastest in Klaipėda Port at present. The exclusive conditions of dues are also applied on this type of cargoes, thus, I believe, that implementation of this project opens new competitive conditions for the company,” – stresses Director General of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, Mr. Algis Latakas.

The quay reconstructions were started in 2019 and finished in the middle of this year. In total, the section of 781 m length was reconstructed, erecting a new grooved wall in the quays, an extra under-crane rail for new cranes of STS type, and rainwater collection grids were reconstructed. The new cover of paving units were laid, as well as new stops and mooring posts were arranged. More than 5.2 thousand tons of metal constructions and 4.2 thousand cubic meters of concrete were used for reconstruction of the quays. The depth of 14 meters was achieved by the quays.

“The reconstruction of the quays and the achieved depth nearby will allow increasing the terminal’s stevedoring up to 700 thousand TEU per year. We are moving to the stage of wider stevedoring opportunities and continue investments into a new, environment-friendly stevedoring machinery, we are replanning the container warehousing sire, and we are making use of the additional territory of 40 thousand square meters. In the nearest future, we are planning to reconstruct terminal’s lighting and to build automated gates, which would help to improve the process of cargo receiving and issuance in the terminal,” – said Director General of UAB Klaipėdos konteinerių terminalas (en. Klaipėda Container Terminal Ltd), Mr. Vaidotas Šileika.

The works of reconstruction of the quays and nearby dredging were performed by UAB “Tilsta” that had won an open international contest and is operating under the joint venture contract with UAB “Fegda”. The price of the performed works amounts to 31 million euro incl. VAT.

“The project of quay reconstruction was difficult, but interesting. While implementing it, we encountered unexpected challenges, for example, when we had to use special machinery to remove large boulders from the depth of 14 metres, as they were obstructing grooving works provided in the project. The serious work experience in Klaipėda State Seaport and smart solutions of UAB “Tilsta” were the ones that helped to overcome the challenges. Our company was the first to acquire and use the telescopic excavator in Klaipėda Seaport and it removed the soil after the dredging works in the water area smoothly,” – says Director General of UAB “Tilsta”, Mr. Eduardas Grinaveckas.

The main goal of the Port Authority is to develop the port’s infrastructure so that the complex of infrastructure and suprastructure formed together with the companies operating in the port would generate the financial return and would create added value to the state and the city.

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