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2022 December 23   16:09

Information on the construction of the joint LNG entry point "Baltic Energy Gate (Port)"

Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co. KGaA (ReGas) intends to feed regasified LNG into the German gas transmission system by means of an FSRU at the industrial port of Lubmin.

The transmission system operators (TSOs) at the market area border between the Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and the German market area Trading Hub Europe (THE) provide in the following information on the construction and operation of the joint LNG entry point.
What kind of network point will appear at the market area border between FSRU and THE?

Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co. KGaA (ReGas) intends to feed the regasified LNG into the German gas transmission system by means of an FSRU at the industrial port of Lubmin. To feed the gas into the network, the construction of a new link in the eastern side of the industrial port of Lubmin to the landing station Greifswald in the sense of § 3 No. 20 EnWG is planned. This creates a joint physical connection point "Baltic Energy Gate (Port)" between ReGas' FSRU and the downstream transmission networks of Fluxys Deutschland GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH, NEL Gastransport GmbH (NGT), Lubmin-Brandov Gastransport GmbH and OPAL Gastransport GmbH & Co.KG (together TSOs of NEL and OPAL).

The transmission network operators of the pipelines NEL and OPAL are at the same time the operators of the landing station Greifswald and cooperate with ReGas to ensure the technical injection of the regasified LNG via the connection point into the downstream transmission net-works.

The TSOs of NEL and OPAL have entry capacities at the connection point between the FSRU of ReGas and their networks. Besides, they have agreed on the construction and use of a joint LNG entry point and have defined corresponding roles in terms of capacity marketing and transportation.

How will the capacity marketing work at the joint LNG entry point?

The involved TSOs commission NGT as the marketing TSO, which sales the available firm capacities as well as interruptible capacities at the joint LNG entry point on its own behalf on a non-discriminatory basis in consideration of the regulatory and contractual requirements appli-cable in Germany on the capacity booking platform RBP.

Marketing shall be based on the Terms and Conditions of the corresponding Entry and Exit Contract and the Supplementary Terms and Conditions of NGT for the joint LNG eEntry point valid at the time.

The allocation of the firm freely allocable capacities (FZK) and interruptible free allocable ca-pacities at the joint LNG entry point is carried out by NGT via the RBP capacity booking plat-form in a first-come-first-served process (FCFS). It is therefore necessary for the booking of capacities at the joint LNG entry point that the network user is registered for NGT on the ca-pacity platform RBP. Network users, already registered for NGT as transport customers, should additionally check whether all relevant balancing groups are known to NGT and take further actions if necessary. Operative procedures for entry contracts at the joint LNG entry point will also be performed by NGT.

ReGas will be responsible for the marketing and processing of the capacities on the FSRU side. The initial offer will be made from December 27, 2022.

NGT carries out the pricing of the capacities at the joint LNG entry point.

Which tariff applies to the LNG entry capacities at the joint LNG entry point? The tariffs for the joint LNG entry point can be found in the NGT price sheet in their respective valid version.

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