The third edition will be widely presented at the exhibitions and conferences this autumn
Autumn is a time when business life is getting more intense and rich in activities. IAA PortNews has issued this year’s third magazine (No3/47) which will be available at the major industry-focused events of this season.
The period of the work on the new edition was marked by an unprecedented event which will have an impact on the country’s shipbuilding industry throughout the coming years and on its further development. In August 2023, RF Government made a decision to transfer the state-owned stake in USC to VTB for five years. The magazine contains a dedicated material outlining the key problems of USC to be addressed by VTB.
Russia’s shipping, shipbuilding, transport and logistics sectors continue working amid the unprecedented pressure of sanctions, disruption of the established international chains for supply of equipment, components, goods and resources. The new edition is focused on the achievements of the stevedores, shipbuilders, shipping and production companies in adapting their businesses to the new reality: new solutions and new impetus to certain infrastructure project, new strategies and programmes.
The Shipbuilding section of the magazine offers materials that can serve as an information guide at the following events: 17th International Exhibition and Conference NEVA 2023; Ship Repair and Modernization roundtable meeting; 6th Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia; 2nd Ship Repair, Modernization and Components Conference. The latter will be held by IAA PortNews in Saint-Petersburg on 26 September 2023, the zero day Seafood Expo Russia 2023. Registration for the conference >>>>
The Logistics section tell about the priorities of IWW shipping in Russia and gives an opportunity to learn about the development of new inter-branch links and the cooperation the Russian business with the eastern neighbor – China.
PortNews Media Group has launched a new tool for interaction between the Russian and Chinese industries — investment-focused newsfeed in Chinese. We are sure it will be useful for our readers’ Chinese partners. Free subscription is available here >>>>
The Port Service. Bunkering section provides the readers with a traditional analysis of Russia’s bunker market for H1’2023. The review is based on IAA PortNews’ own data provided weekly by Russian bunker suppliers.
The Technologies section presents the latest achievements of the domestic industry which let replace the products withdrawn from the Russian market. A special focus is on technologies for autonomous shipping.
The editorial team hopes the magazine content will help its readers make strategic decisions amid fast changing market situation.
The magazine will be presented at the following industry-focused events:
17th International Exhibition and Conference Commercial Shipping, Shipbuilding, Offshore Energy, Ports, Inland Waterways and Oceanography NEVA 2023;
Second Ship Repair, Modernization and Components Conference;
16th International Exhibition and Conference for oil & gas resources development of the Russian Arctic and continental shelf RAO/CIS Offshore 2023;
6th Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia 2023, particularly at the Agency’s stand (pavilion F, stand M9);
4th International Practical Conference Shipping & Digital Experience 2023;
Coldchain Eurasia Conference;
12th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Marine Studies and Education (MARESEDU-2023);
7th LNG Fleet, LNG Bunkering and Alternatives Conference.
PortNews Magazine Editor-in-Chief – Tatyana Vilde tv@portnews.ru
Previous edition of PortNews Magazine is available in Russian >>>>
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