The contract includes six corvettes and four fast attack crafts
The shipbuilding firm hosted an official keel laying ceremony at its shipbuilding yard for new Project 20385 corvette “Retivy” on June 9, 2023. The corvette contract was signed between Amur Shipyard and the Russian Ministry of Defense o December 15, 2020.
An official flag-hoisting ceremony was held on the Project 20380 corvette on September 14. Ten days later two Project 22800 FACs, the "Rzhev" and the "Udomlya" were launched for further outfitting at the shipyard’s dock.
Amur Shipyard is one of the largest shipbuilding enterprises based in the Far Eastern region of Russia. The shipbuilding plant has capabilities for the construction and launching of warships and merchant ships of up to 10,000 tonnes and with length overall up to 150 m and width – 20 m.