According to him 50,000 TEU per year should be transported to provide stable cargo flow between China and Europe via Finland. Two factors hamper achievement of this purpose: tariffs on container transportation and lack of rolling stock in countries, participating in this process.
We should remind that Henri Kuitunen, General Director of VR Ltd said that 10,000 TEU of transit cargoes were transported in 2007 via Finland and in 2008 this figure will increase to 15,000-20,000 TEU.
Deputy executive secretary of Coordination Council on Transsiberian Transportation Boris Lukov specified the following figures: in 2007 the volume of transportation on Transsib amounted to 620,831 TEU (+48% year-on-year), including 38,043 TEU of transit transportation (-5% year-on-year).
B.Lukov noted that Russian companies work on recommence of transit container flow.