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2008 June 5   12:59

Gazprombank sets the loan limit at RUR 10 bln for Vyborg Shipyard

Gazprombank has set up the loan limit for Vyborg Shipyard OJSC at RUR 10 bln till 2011, the bank informs.

The loan is to be used to finance construction of platforms within the framework of Shtokman gas field development.

Vyborg Shipyard JSC is one of the largest shipbuilding companies of the North-Western Region of Russia with over 50-years’ experience in shipbuilding. Since the Shipyard was founded (1948) there have been built more than 200 different vessels with deadweight up to 12000 tons, total displacement over 1,300,000 tons.  Vyborg Shipyard specializes mainly in construction of facilities for exploration of oil & gas offshore fields including deep sea semi-submersible floating drilling & production platforms, stationary production platforms and deep sea jack-ups of a new generation.

Gazprombank OJSC is the authorized bank of OAO "Gazprom" and enters the top three Russia's banks with regard to its main financial indices.

The bank is the third among the banks of the Central and Eastern Europe.

Besides the gas industry, Gazprombank currently renders banking services to enterprises and employees of other real sector industries (chemical, engineering, defense, and other industries). The Bank's client base consists of approximately 2 million retail clients and 40 000 corporate clients, including 1000 enterprises and institutions of the gas industry.

Gazprombank has been continually set among the top three Russian banks by capital and assets and retains the third place by capital among the banks of the Central and Eastern Europe.

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