In time «Ust-Luga» port can become one of the largest ports in the RF. This opinion was voiced to journalists on Wednesday, 9 April, by the chairman of the Commission of the Federation Council on the national marine policy Vyacheslav Popov after the meeting of the delegation of the Federation Council with the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg Vadim Tyulpanov.
«Ust-Luga» port is a port of the future», said Vyacheslav Popov. According to Popov, Ust-Luga is most likely to become «one of the first ports to receive the status of a special economic zone». He also added that the port «has every reason for that». According to the BIA, by its autumn session the Commission of the Federation Council will prepare a package of the relevant amendments to the legislation on sea ports.
At the same time Popov noted that at the moment «the port has a number of serious problems of the infrastructure», in particular, roads. Their solution requires broader powers of the region; however, the financial possibilities are to be provided by the state.
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