D. Medvedev reminded that he had issued commissions in respect of ESPO construction issues during his visit to Khabarovsk in February.
N. Tokarev mentioned that before the February’s meeting in Khabarovsk the company held a careful study of the project status as the company management had been changed. “The analysis showed a number of objective cases and internal reasons that have influenced upon construction terms and quality of ESPO project construction”, - Transneft’s leader said. He specified the prolongation of the route on the back of its reconfiguration and climatic extremes among the objective cases. The internal reasons according to his story include organization of work and execution of obligations by contractors part of which appeared to be inadequate.
The President of “Transneft” stated that all ESPO first phase facilities will be put into operation in line with the schedule late in next year.
“Today 400 kilometers are filled with oil, nearly half of first phase will be run in a reverse mode”, he added. N. Tokarev specified that the first phase of the ESPO is the Taishet to Scovorodino sector.
The construction of the second phase of the “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” oil pipeline will be started in December 2009. N. Tokarev declared that the survey work for the second phase is in progress now and to be completed by the end of the year”. The technical and economic assessment of the project will be done by the next midyear and all required expert evaluations will be held by that time.
“It’s necessary to work so that not to concede neither term breaks nor quality shortages”, - the Russian President said. “The contractors that had not done their work have to disciplined for all it is worth, with claims at court demanding funds if paid as advance payments”, - D. Medvedev said.
The President of Russia charged N. Tokarev to “build work on ESPO first phase completion and work on second one so that we do not turn back to the question”. “ESPO is essential oil pipeline for our country to solve economic, social and political problems”, - he added.