On 18 June, Russian Railways held its third auction for movable and immovable property of 22 coach repair depots. The aucution was organised by the Specialised State Unitary Enterprise for the Sale of Property in Moscow (SSUE).
Four lots were sold at the third auction: property of the Armavir depot in Krasnodar, Khovrino in Moscow Region, Kupino in Novosibirsk Region and the assets of the coach division of the Magdagachi coach depot at Belogorsk in the Amur region.
The Armavir depot fetched 258.697 million roubles, with a starting price of 76.297 million roubles (in excess of 3.3 times). Each round at the auction was 3.8 million roubles. The auction was attended by 9 bidders and was won by the Armavir Heavy Machinery Plant. During the bidding, the price was raised 48 times.
The Kupino depot was sold for 213.783 million roubles, from a starting price of 99.933 million roubles (in excess of 2.1 times). ). Each round at the auction was 4.95 million roubles. The auction was attended by 3 applicants and was won by Transoil. During the bidding, the price was increased 23 times.
The auction of the Khovrino and Magdagachi depots did not take place because of insufficient applications.
Russian Railways will announce the date of another auction after July 2.
As a result of the bidding Russian Railways earned 472.48 million roubles.
Russian Railways will hold its next auctions for coach repair depots on June 25. Up for sale will be the depots in Abdulino (Orenburg region), Biysk (Altai territory), Ivanovo (Ivanovo region) and property owned by the Morshansk locomotive depot.