Transas will deliver equipment of Automatic Identification System to Volgo-Balt SBA for the Neva river and Ladoga lake. The agreement was concluded on April 21, 2008, Transas announced.
Five AIS Base Stations are to be installed in Sviritsa, Shlisselburg, Otradnoje, Rechnaya hotel, and at Bolshaya Morskaya str., 37. Besides, two AIS receiving devices are to be installed in Priozersk and Pitkyarante thus creating an integrated AIS system at the Neva river and Ladoga lake.
The data processing center is to be located at Bolshaya Morskaya str., 37.
Local operator stations are to be located in Sviritsa, Shlisselburg, Otradnoje, Priozersk and Pitkyarante. The AIS network is to meet the requirements of international and Russian regulations. It may be integrated into a regional system of safe navigation in the Gulf of Finland.
AIS equipment manufactured by Transas was used for implementation of such large-scale projects as national AIS of Latvia’s coast guard integrated into HELCOM as well as for creation of a national server of the Russian Federation for information exchange between the states of the Baltic Sea (AIS HELCOM).
Russian group of companies Transas (TRANsport SAfety Systems) is a world-leading developer and supplier of a wide range of software, integrated solutions and hardware technologies for the aviation and marine transportation industry, including both onboard and shore-based applications.