By the end of the outgoing fiscal year, KPT projects to handle 61 percent of the total container volume of 1.97 million (Twenty equivalent units-TEU) handled by the two ports, KPT and Port Qasim. The total sea trade handled by the two ports during the last 11 months stand at 58.10 million tonnes, of which the share of dry cargo exports at KPT remained 65.39 percent.
Liquid cargo has shown recovery and it is growing by 14 percent at Karachi Port. The Liquid Cargo export, which mainly comprises Molasses, Ethanol, Naphtha and other chemicals, has crossed the two million-bench marks by registering 2.02 million tonnes this year.
The dry cargo, coal handling at Karachi Port has reached 3.5 million tonnes. In exports, the cement handling, through bulk of bags, has crossed the two million tonnes mark. This is the first time in the history that Pakistan is exporting cement as a bulk commodity. Four silos are being constructed at the port which when completed would further increase the cement exports. KPT has also handled 0.9 million tonnes of clinker exports during the last 11 months, which is another record achieved by the port.
The Karachi Port so far has registered 11 percent growth by recording 1.149 million TEU handling till 12th June 2008. Previously, in year 2005-06, the KPT recorded handling of 1.144 million TEU containers. As regards the container terminals, both PICT and KICT have shown progress.
Presently PICT is handling 39 percent while KICT handles 50 percent of the total container volume. The remaining 11 percent are handled at another berths of KPT.
This year, up to 12th June, KPT has handled 2,024 ships. This commendable performance is despite the fact that eight berths at East Wharf were not utilized due to their reconstruction. Construction of 16 meters deep quay wall is already underway by a Korean company at East Wharf. KICT has installed two super post panamax gantry cranes to handle larger ships carrying 5,000 TEU containers. Recently, the KICT has handled 4,500 TEU containers from a Post Panamax Ship “Hyundai Admiral” at the berth.