In 2007, net profit of Krasnoyarsk River Port made RUR 7.281 millionm the company informs. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decided to pay RUR 728,100 as dividends. In the reported period, undistributed profit amounted to RUR 6.552.9 million. The dividends are not to be paid for ordinary shares, while the dividends for privileged А-type shares are to make RUR 61.27 per share (up four-fold against 2006).
The Meeting also elected the BOD and the Audit Committee. Rosexpertiza LLC was elected the company’s Auditor for 2008.
Besides, the shareholders approved interested-party transactions with Yenisei River Shipping Company and Norilsk Nickel.
Krasnoyarsk River Port OJSC is a subsidiary of Yenisei River Shipping Company OJSC. It specializes in handling of cargo flows in the Middle Yenisei basin. Norilsk Nickel holds over 51% of Yenisei River Shipping Company, Russian Federal Property Fund – 32.28% of ordinary shares.