The nine-month volume includes 2,180,000 tons of seaborne cargo and 2,264,000 tons of inland waterways traffic. The shipping company was transporting the cargo via seaports of Turkey, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Israel, and the domestic ports of Rostov, Ust-Donetsk, Astrakhan and Kavkaz.
In the reporting period the operator transported 1,129 million tons of construction materials, 954,000 tons of sulfur, 842,000 tons of coal, 548,000 tons of grain, 312,000 tons of metals.
In Jan-Sept., ADSCo’s stevedoring companies handled 3,217 million tons of cargo, up 9% over the same period of 2010. The multipurpose port of Rostov transshipped 1.121 million tons, port of Ust-Donetsk – 966,000 tons. The Group’s stevedores operating the terminals in the Rostov region and Krasnodar Territory handled 1.129 million tons of cargo.
The terminals operators handled 1.130 million tons of construction materials, 820,000 tons of coal, 783,000 tons of sulfur and 240,000 tons of scrap metal.
Azov-Don Shipping is a Transport Holding established in 2003. The Group comprises more than 20 water transport companies, including shipping, stevedoring companies (Multipurpose Port of Rostov, Port of Ust-Donetsk), logistics and development companies. ADSC owns and operates 73 vessels of mixed river-sea class each of 7,000DWT, 100 river dry bulk carriers with deadweight of up to 3,000 tons. The company provides transportation of grain cargo, coal, fertilizer, building materials, containers and general cargo. The Group’s stevedoring companies handle cargoes at the terminals of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory. The annual traffic volume exceeds 5 million tons, turnover of stevedoring companies - 4 million tons.