Gazprom Neft (RTS: SIBN) is thinking of seeking a foreign partner to develop the offshore Prirazlomnoye field, Boris Zilbermints, the Russian oil company's deputy general director for
exploration and production, said at an oil and gas congress in Moscow according to Interfax .
"Gazprom (RTS: GAZP) is currently financing the construction of a platform at the field, and work is due to be rounded off in 2010-2011.
After that the issue of Gazprom Neft developing the field will be discussed, and then we will be able to think about involving a foreign partner in the project," Zilbermints said.
Prirazlomnoye is one of the oil fields that Gazprom, Russia's gas monopoly, plans to transfer to its oil producing subsidiary.
An earlier report said Gazprom Neft did not consider the Prirazlomnoye resources large enough to be developed profitably.
Geological resources are 257 million tonnes oil and recoverable reserves - 72 million tonnes.