BHP Billiton Plc, Adriana Resources Inc. in partnership with ArcelorMittal, and Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA are among companies seeking to build port terminals in Sepetiba Bay, which is linked by rail to the iron-ore producing areas of Minas Gerais state. Adriana and Usiminas, as the steelmaker is known, bought lands in the Sepetiba Bay area this year to build deep- water export facilities.
“The demand for new projects may now reduce slightly as a result of the crisis,” the state spokesman said.
Adriana Resources’ Rio de Janeiro-based port-development director, Guilherme Andrade, said the company plans to present to state officials this month a proposal for a $750 million project to add 50 million tons of annual shipping capacity.
“Adriana is looking to develop relationships with local independent iron-ore mine operators for which it will also develop port operations,” Andrade said at an industry meeting in Rio last month.
Cia. Siderurgica Nacional SA and Cia. Vale do Rio Doce already operate shipping terminals in the Sepetiba Bay area. A joint steelmaking venture between Vale and ThyssenKrupp AG is also building a port there.