Krasnoyarsk shipyard has launched the fifth non-self-propelled vessel, flat-top barge of project 1960 (building number BP-3005), with the maximum capacity of 3,000 t, the shipyard’s press center says.
The vessel has been built to the order of Yenisey River Shipping Company and intended for transportation of open storage cargoes (sand, timber, coal, mineral and construction materials) as well as automotive equipment, equipment and containers. The first vessel of the project was built in 2011. The vessel costs some RUB 60 mln.
The barge has undergone all the hydrological tests. It will be presented to the River Register in a couple of days.
Krasnoyarsk shipyard OJSC is an affiliated company of YRSC OJSC. It specializes in construction of shallow-draught vessels for minor rivers. Major partners of Krasnoyarsk shipyard are Yenisey River Shipping Company, Norilsk Nickel, PassazhirRechTrans, Yeniseyrechtrans Administration, Gold Producing Company Polyus.