By Mintrans of Russia order dated 10.06.2014 No. 154 the Compulsory Regulations in Zarubino Seaport approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 15.04.2013г. No. 122 were amended, Rosmorport says in its press release.
The amendment was made because of the establishment of permits on ship calls on a regular basis to Zarubino Seaport for the vessels up to 400 meters in length and a draft of up to 16.7 meters in order to perform bunkering in the area of the anchor hold No. 18 of the anchoring place No. 6.
Previously the vessels with the same measurements made calls to the named area of Zarubino Seaport waters only on a basis of a single application and with obtaining an individual permission of Zarubino Seaport captain.
Vladivostok Branch in Zarubino Seaport provides navigation services with the use of Vladivostok Seaport VTS being the part of the Peter the Great Gulf Regional VTS.
In 2013 with the control of Vladivostok VTS 1,100 vessels made safe calls to Zarubino Seaport.
Detailed information on the terms and order of providing navigation services with the use of Vladivostok Seaport VTS can be found in the section “Vladivostok Branch VTS services”.
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