The project of dry cargo port in Taman is the most telling example of the port infrastructure development in terms of basic objectives of Development Strategy of Russia's seaport infrastructure until 2030, a Ministry official told a meeting of the Russian Transport Ministry on Thursday, the IAA PortNews correspondent reports.
Director of State Policy for Maritime and River Transport of Russia Konstantin Palnikov said that implementation of the project "Creation of a dry cargo port area in Taman" regarding the development of road and rail infrastructure on the Taman Peninsula taking into account the decision on the construction of a transport crossing to the Crimea via Cape Tuzla, might save for the federal budget about 25 billion rubles.
The project is aimed at covering the deficit of transshipment facilities in the Azov-Black Sea basin, building of a new deepwater port, and minimizing development of port facilities in the nearby inhabited localities.
The dry cargo port of Taman is funded on the principles of public-private partnership in accordance with the Federal Target Program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2020)."
This project includes building facilities for handling bulk cargoes: terminals for handling coal, grain, iron ore, fertilizer, sulfur, containers, and steel; creation of shipping access canals, protective structures, piers for loading / unloading facilities and for service fleet; construction of railway, road and engineering infrastructure.
The dry cargo port's designed capacity (94 million tonnes) is scheduled to be reached in 2025.
In May 2014 the project has received positive assessment and approval of the state expert examination.