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2015 June 15   11:57

Marvele Cargo Wharf project: additional guarantees to the private investor

In order to develop the Marvele Cargo Wharf in Kaunas and cargo transportation in Nemunas, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania together with the State Enterprise Lithuanian Inland Waterways Authority and Public Institution Invest Lithuania (Investuok Lietuvoje) organized a public consultation to the parties interested in this project, the Ministry’s press center says. Based on the proposals and observations made by the entrepreneurs, the final tender conditions will be improved and provide additional guarantees to the private investor.

The aim of the public consultation was to publish information about the project and get acquainted with the opinions and comments on the documentation on the tender for granting a concession. The documentation – tender conditions and brochure – were published in Lithuanian and English languages, for both Lithuanian and foreign investors to get acquainted with it. In order to disseminate the information better, 14 press releases in foreign news portals on infrastructure projects were published, as well as more than 200 letters addressed to the potential investors and relevant authorities were sent.

The feedback of the participants gave valuable information on market expectations. Since this is the first public and private partnership project being implemented in the inland waterway infrastructure, the potential investors treated it with caution and called for more commitment taken by the public sector. According to the participants, the risk borne by the investor should be reduced and some forms of guarantees should be provided.

The analyzed feedback showed that the tender conditions should be adjusted in order to increase the attractiveness of this project among the investors.

The purpose of public and private partnership project “Development of Nemunas ports (wharves)” is to develop the Marvele Cargo Wharf and freight transportation in Nemunas, reduce the road transport loads and negative impact on the environment. In the near future, the Stage 1 of the construction of the Wharf to be completed. The following development will be made by concessionaire represented by the private sector. 

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