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2015 November 10   14:36

FAS Russia initiates proceedings against CMA CGM SA

Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS Russia) has initiated administrative violation proceedings against CMA CGM SA (Marseille, France). According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, being a defendant in the case on concerted activities in the market of container shipping, the Company has not provided FAS Russia with the required documents.

The statement says that failure to provide information required for complete and comprehensive proceedings is a violation of Part 1 Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”).

In August 2015, FAS Russia sued CMA CGM SA for concerted activities in the market of container shipping at Far East/South-East Asia – Russian Federation container routes along with other foreign companies: A.P. Моller-Maersk A/S (Denmark), MSC SA (Switzerland), Hyundai Merchant Marine Со., Ltd (S. Korea), OOCL (Hong Kong) and Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd.(Taiwan).

“The actions of the shipping company drag out the proceedings in the antimonopoly case and we, therefore, apply measures as provided for in RF legislation. The issue of initiating administrative violation proceedings against other foreign companies is under consideration,” said Andrei Tenishev, head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department.

CMA CGM SA is one of the leading worldwide shipping companies, key player at the Far East/South-East Asia – Russian Federation routes.


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