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  3. Cargo traffic on Azov-Don River Basin IWWs drops 8.7% in April to 494,000 tonnes

2016 May 6   12:46

Cargo traffic on Azov-Don River Basin IWWs drops 8.7% in April to 494,000 tonnes

Freight flows across the waterways of the Azov-Don River Basin decreased by 8.7% in April 2016 compared to the same period in 2015 and totaled 494,000 tonnes, the IAA PortNews regional correspondent reports citing the Authority of Azov-Don Basin.

In April internal cargo traffic on Azov-Don Basin inland waterways shrank by 17.3% to 62,000 tonnes, handling of transit cargo fell 7.3% to 432,000 tonnes.

In the reporting period shipping of sulfur increased by 52% to 126,000 tonnes, of diesel fuel - soared by 89% to 66,000 tonnes, while shipping of heavy fuel oil dropped by 35% to 126,000, of vacuum gas oil – by 20% to 45,000 tonnes.

There were less movements of vessels on inland waterways (422 ships in April), including 174 downward bound and 248 upward (versus 466 in 2015: 199 sailing downward and 267 - upward).

"Reduced figures of cargo throughput and vessel traffic in April 2016, are primarily due to the fact that most of the tanker fleet of large shipping companies have not yet started navigation on inland waterways. In addition, there was only one refinery operating and supplying oil products on the Volga in April," the basin authority's press office said.

The maximum level mark in Tsimlyansk Reservoir as of April 30 was at 33.35 m (Baltic System) with the required design level at 36.0 m BS. The current depth in April, from the entrance to the 132-th channel to Konstantinovsky waterworks, was 400 cm, from Konstantinovsky to Kochetovsky waterworks was 340 to 370 cm, from Kochetovsky to the 3121-th km stretch of the Don –  330 to 400 cm.

The total length of the waterways in the area of responsibility FBU The Authority of Azov-Don Basin is 691.3 kilometers.

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2025 March 11