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  3. Wind shelter for coal wagons put into operation at Vostochny Port (photo)

2017 February 1   11:20

Wind shelter for coal wagons put into operation at Vostochny Port (photo)

Russia’s largest stevedoring company Vostochny Port JSC (a part of Port Management Company LLC) says it has put into operation a new wind protection system which shelters one of the sections where open wagons with coal are moving across the terminal.

The technology of additional wind protection has been developed by the specialists Port Management Company LLC and Vostochny Port JSC. The system allows for keeping the temperature of coal heated before unloading in winter period and prevent coal blowing-out by strong seasonal winds.

According to the statement, with the introduction of the system in January 2017, average daily unloading of wagons at the terminal increased by 14%.

The shelter is made of steel arch framework along the route of wagons with unfrozen coal towards the wagon dumpers. Wind shelter helps prevent freezing and blowing out of coal in the period of strong winds in Primorye. The shelter, which is 300 meters long can simultaneously accommodate more than 30 wagons with coal.

“Wind shelter is a know-how of our specialists. This system has already confirmed its efficiency. It ensures 100% unloading of coal at the phase of wagon dumping, - explained Anatoly Lazarev, Managing Director of Vostochny Port JSC. – The wagons with heated coal do not require the return to defrosters after waiting for unloading in winter period. The speed of operations has increased – average daily unloading in January exceeded 670 wagons, which is 14%, or 170,000 t, more as compared with the same period in the previous year.”

Vostochny Port JSC (Primorsky Territory) is Russia’s largest publicly available terminal equipped with wagon dumpers, conveyor systems, ship loading equipment and a unique multilevel system of magnetic separation. The terminal exports coal produced by different coal companies of Russia. In 2016 the port handled 23.5 mln t of coal, one fifth of all coal exports via Russian seaports and about  30% of coal transshipment via the ports of Russia’s Far East Basin.

Vostochny Port JSC LLC is implementing an ambitious investment project on construction of the coal terminal’s Phase 3 including the construction of the federal railway infrastructure. New terminal facilities will be put into operation in 2017 allowing for port capacity to reach 39 mln t in 2019. The coal will be delivered from Kuzbass and other coal fields of Russia.

A sole executive body of Vostochny Port JSC is Port Management Company LLC.

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