Local not-for-profits and registered charities are encouraged to apply for a share of grant funding under the Port of Brisbane Pty Limited’s (PBPL) $100,000 Community Grant Program, the company said in its press release.
PBPL Chief Executive Officer, Roy Cummins said the Community Grant Program was aimed at supporting important local projects and initiatives in the fields of environmental management, community welfare, school education and youth leadership.
Since 2010, Port of Brisbane has provided almost $1.25 million in sponsorships and donations to over 110 projects across South-east Queensland.
In 2016, Make it Home Safely Inc received $5000 from PBPL’s Community Grant Funding program to launch a young driver education program, which has been implemented at Brisbane Bayside State College and Wynnum State High School with a total of 450 students in years 11 & 12 participating.
Individual organisations are eligible for funding up to $10,000.
Applications close on 30 April 2017, with successful applicants announced in July.