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2017 April 17   15:00

First cargo delivered by international transport corridor Primorye-2 (photo)

Experimental shipment of test cargo from China to Korea by transport corridor Primorye-2 was launched on 14 April 2017. Far East Investment and Export Agency is studying test transportation of cargo from China to Russia, says the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East.

Leonid Petukhov, Director General of the Agency, says test container left Changchun (China) for Húnchūn (China) on April 10. Then after crossing the state border via the checkpoint in Kraskino it came to port Zarubino (Primorsky Territory) from where it was dispatched by a ferry for the Republic of Korea. 

The Agency will analyze the data to facilitate the delivery of transit cargo. The specialists of the Agency will develop proposals to reduce the travel time (travel time of the test container was as long as a week).

“Extensive modernization of the international transport corridor Primorye-2 is underway. Experts say, its cargo base potential will make 23 mln t of grain and 15 mln t of containerized cargo by 2030. The experimental shipment lets reveal the drawbacks of the ITC … The findings will let develop the solutions to improve so that the transport corridor could run like clockwork by the moment the project is launched,” emphasized Leonid Petukhov.

The container was escorted by UGL representative who registered the time of all customs procedures.

“International transport corridor Primorye-2 is the most convenient way to deliver cargoes from the north-east of China to the APR countries. The point of departure is only 500 km from the Russian border, which, in its turn, is only 60 km from the nearest port. … Chinese businessmen are interested in the development of this route” said UGL representative.

Primorye-2 is one of two transport corridors between China and the Far East of Russia providing the north-east provinces of China with the shortest route to the sea, Japan, S.Korea and other countries of the region via the Primorsky Territory. By 2030, cargo base potential of Primorye-2 will reach 23 mln t of grain and 15 mln t of containerized cargo. Total investments into the project are estimated at about RUB 170 bln.

According to Aleksandr Galushka, Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East, the project opens the prospects for mutually beneficial integration of two economies. He says Chinese businessmen express high interest in implementation of the ITC project. “According to the report by McKinsey analysts, the Chinese side will save over $1 bln. The National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China  has confirmed those estimations. The project will let generate about 3,000 jobs, the economy of Primorye will grow by 4%”, said Aleksandr Galushka.  

Last week, LLC Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company launched the first permanent direct circular line service of a Chinese operator along Primorye 1, the international transport corridor serving cargo flow from Northern China to Asia Pacific. The Land Sea Channel line service will become an important link for delivering cargo from the north and north eastern provinces of China to ports in the south of China and other Asia Pacific countries. VSC has launched the line in partnership with HeiLongJiang Sea Land Channel International Logistics Co., Ltd.

 Related link:

VSC launches circular route in Primoriye 1 international transport corridor >>>>


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