Cruise liner Silver Cloud (flag of Bahama Islands, length – 155.8 m) moored at Murmansk port’s pier for long-distance lines on 30 June 2017. FSUE Rosmorport says it is the first cruise liner to call the port this year.
The ship carrying 477 passengers and crewmembers will stay at the port of Murmansk till the end of the day.
Two more calls of cruise liners are expected in the summer season of 2017, with the first call scheduled for 1 July 2017.
The pier intended for long-distance lines at the port of Murmansk is able to accommodate vessels with length of up to 180.5 meters, breadth of up to 25.5 meters and loaded draught of up to 5.95 meters. Design capacity of the pier is almost 16,000 passengers per year.
Having left the port of Murmansk, the Silver Cloud will proceed to the Norwegian port of Alta.