An intersessional working group to develop a programme of follow-up actions to IMO’s Initial strategy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships opened at IMO Headquarters (15 October). IMO says the initial strategy, adopted in April this year, sets out a vision to continue to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping and phase them out, as soon as possible - in this century. The strategy provides clear direction to the shipping sector and its partners to stimulate investment in developing low- and zero-carbon fuels and innovative energy-efficient technologies. Opening the session, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim told the meeting that “it is now time to turn the page and embark together in implementing the Initial IMO Strategy…You are cordially encouraged to engage with determination this week, setting up a clear programme, in line with the vision, principles and levels of ambition of the Initial Strategy to make it alive, so that a programme of follow-up actions can be approved next week when the (Marine Environment Protection) Committee meets.” The intersessional group will report to the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 73), which meets next week (22-26 October). MEPC 73 is expected to further develop and approve the proposed action plan. The intersessional meeting is chaired by Mr. Sveinung Oftedal (Norway).