The intense shipping and offshore exploration activities in the Gulf of Guinea pose major risks to its coastline, so the country pays special attention to protecting its coastline.
Last week (12 - 15 November) a national workshop aimed at building the country's oil pollution preparedness and response capacity was held, under the auspices of the GI WACAF project – a collaboration between IMO and IPIECA - the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues.
IMO says the participants were able to gain key knowledge and skills – notably regarding assessment techniques and clean-up operations – which will help them develop an appropriate strategy and implement efficient shoreline response measures. The attendees also gained a better understanding of the various challenges and difficulties associated with these types of response activities, through a field visit and an assessment exercise.
The workshop was held in Conakry and organized by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests of the Republic of Guinea and, in particular, by the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas Directorate.