From 1 January 2019 all ships must report their energy consumption data of their last voyage when entering and leaving Chinese ports, BIMCO says in a press release.
The new “Regulation on Data Collection for Energy Consumption of Ships” (RDCECS) applies to all ships of and above 400 gross tonnages or powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power when they enter and leave Chinese ports, regardless of their nationality.
Ships shall report their energy consumption data of their last voyage to the Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) when applying for a port departure report or port clearing formality.
It is important to note that chapter 3 of the regulation is dedicated to all Chinese flagged ships of and above 5,000 gross tonnages that navigate internationally. In other words, chapter 3 is not applicable to foreign flagged ships.
Ships shall report the required data (per voyage, per month and per year) via the maritime information platform maintained by China MSA <<>>. BIMCO recommends appointing local agents to report the data, as the platform is workable in Chinese only.