The vessels owned by the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) raised the parts of the sunken ship from the bottom of the sea.
The body of three ships of 445 tons in total were removed from the bottom of the Caspian Sea as part of the initiative of the cleanup of the water area of white city boulevard. The bodies of the vessels were 180, 200, 65 tons respectively. Divers tied the sunken parts first with a rope, and then loaded them on the deck of the vessel “Barja- 701” with the help of a crane. Tow- vessels transported the ship pars on the barge to the shore and delivered as metal scrap.
The works were involved by the following vessels and barges of the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet: Gurban Abasov, “Socar-1”, “Barja-701”, “Hovsan-5”, “Absheronskaya-6”, SPK- 47 /25”, “Hovsan-2”.
It should be noted that environmental protection is one of the key sustainable development criteria for ASCO. From this point of view, ASCO regularly takes necessary preventive measures to prevent damage to the environment. It is in the center of focus of the Company to reduce the environmental impact of various types of solid and liquid wastes, as well as gas discharges caused by the operation of vessels on water sources, soils and atmospheres.