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2019 August 20   10:24

Rosgeo completed digital processing of seismic data on the Laptev Sea

OJSC Sevmorneftegeofizika (city of Murmansk, the company is a part of Rosgeo State Holding) has completed digital processing of seismic data on the connection zone of the Laptev continental platform with the structures of the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean, says RG-Inform, press center of Rosgeo.

The parent company performs the explorations from the federal budget resources in compliance with the state contract concluded with the Department for subsoil use in the North-Western Federal District, on the continental shelf and in the Global Ocean (Sevzapnedra, Rosnedra subdivision).

The aim of the project is to study the regional peculiarities of the geological structure of the connection zone of the Laptev continental platform with the structures of the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean; to discover the objects promising for oil and gas; to determine the pattern of their placement. The work result should be an assessment of localized hydrocarbon resources and recommendations for the following stages of exploration for the purpose to reproduce the resource base of hydrocarbon raw materials.

The field works in the Laptev Sea were completed in 2018. Having completed digital processing of seismic data Rosgeo continues their interpretation.

It is planned to complete the exploration under the contract by the end of 2019.

Rosgeo is a Russian multi-industry geological parent company, which renders a full range of services related to geological exploration, i.e. from areal studies to stratigraphy and subsoil monitoring. The parent company has distinctive competencies, in particular, in the field of marine geology and offshore operations. Rosgeo was founded according to RF President’s Decree No. 957 of July 15, 2011 based upon one of the oldest exploration companies in Russia – Tsentrgeologiya.

The parent company’s enterprises operate in all eight Federal Districts of Russia.

The state owns 100% of Rosgeo capital.

OJSC Sevmorneftegeofizika is the largest marine geophysical company in Russia. The company was founded in 1979. Using cutting-edge technologies and modern equipment, Sevmorneftegeofizika provides a wide range of services around the world, carrying out 2D/3D marine seismic surveys, digital processing of seismic data, comprehensive interpretation of geological and geophysical materials.

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