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2019 October 22   12:50

Marine Recruiting Agency trained 1,344 specialists for port and construction segments in 9M’19, up 14% YoY

Training Center of Marine Recruiting Agency LLC (MRA) constantly increases the number of trainees: over 9 months of 2019 the company trained 1,344 specialists of port and construction segments, 14% more as compared with the same period of the previous year, MRA says in a press release.

The most popular were the “slingsman” and “dock engineer” courses selected by 441 people, 65% more than in 2018. Also in demand were other port and road construction professions: mooring man, tallyman, operators of container trucks, loaders, reachstackers, port cranes and kratzer cranes. Besides, many trainees opted for labour safety and fire safety basics courses. Over the three quarters of 2019 they were heard by 217 people, 36% more than in the same period of 2018.

All in all, Marine Recruiting Agency has developed over 50 training packages. In the reporting period, 1,005 people completed the programmes of basic professional training with 264 people having selected programmes of additional professional training, up 18% and 7% accordingly.

MRA had also tailored special courses for the industry-focused educational institutions. From the beginning of the year, they have been used by 75 students of Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Sea Technical College and Saint-Petersburg Sea Fishing College trained as tallymen and slingsmen.

Specialists trained by MRA are in demand at stevedoring companies of the Arctic, Baltic, Azov-Black Sea and Caspian Basins as well as at different industrial companies throughout Russia.

Marine Recruiting Agency LLC is a recruiting company representing interests of transport logistic, construction and other companies of North-Western region in sphere of recruiting, training and provision of temporary personnel. MRA was established in 2001 and is a subsidiary Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg JSC. From 2016 the company is accredited by Federal Service on Labour and Employment for performing the activities related to provision of personnel. 

The Agency has its own Training Centre with its own technical infrastructure. Its functions are primary training, re-qualification and advanced training on the basis of various educational programmes.

Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg JSC (a company of UCL Port – stevedoring division of the International Transportation Group UCL Holding) is the largest operator, rendering services on handling of all types of dry cargoes at Big Port St. Petersburg. It operates modern multipurpose specialized terminals for handling of general and bulk cargoes and specialized terminals for ro-ro cargoes and containers.

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