Atlantique Offshore Energy and its partners, GE Grid Solutions and SDI, launch the construction of the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm electrical substation and strengthen their order book with the electrical substations for the offshore wind farms at Fécamp and Courseulles-sur-Mer, the company said in its release.
The first steel sheet of the electrical substation for the offshore wind farm of Saint-Nazaire (west of France) was cut at Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazaire. Ordered in August 2019 by Parc du Banc de Guérande, held jointly by EDF Renouvelables and Enbridge Inc, the substation will leave the shipyard in the summer of 2021, to be connected with the wind farm in 2022. The substation will collect and transform the electricity produced by wind turbines and transfer it to the shore network, while ensuring remote control of the wind farm.
The delivery of the Fécamp and of Courseulles-sur-Mer substations, with a total capacity of around 500 MW each, should take place respectively at the end of 2022 and in 2023.
The selected consortium brings together the expertise of :
Atlantique Offshore Energy, responsible for the topside and jacket-type foundation design, manufacturing and commissioning
GE’s Grid Solutions, in charge of high voltage electrical equipment and protection control systems design, manufacturing and commissioning
and SDI, in charge of the transport and installation of these structures, including the offshore pre-piling works.