Danish Shipping will launch an initiative with the aim of increasing the number of women in shipping, the company said in its release. The event will be a formal marking of the signing of a charter by 13 shipping companies, including NORDEN, which obliges all signatories to devise a strategy or plan to increase the share of women at the company as well as support and put forward initiatives to support it.
In addition, all companies must develop and set targets for the proportion of women at the company and appoint a member of top management to be responsible for the action.
NORDEN is highly focused on improving diversity. There are more female employees than ever before – especially in managerial roles. Improving the retention rate for all employees is also an ongoing process which has become evident through recent improvements to conditions for maternity leave – for both men and women.
According to Danish Shipping, it will up to the individual company to make the necessary changes in order to achieve real change and reach the ambitious goal for 2021.
35 percent of NORDEN’s employees onshore are women. 1 percent of NORDEN’s employees at sea are women.
14 percent of employees in Danish shipping companies are women.
7 percent of employees at sea are women.
2 percent of employees at sea are women, if you exclude ferry companies.
33 percent of onshore employees are women.