Greek Construction Company, TERNA S.A., a 100% subsidiary of the GEK TERNA Group, has awarded MAN Energy Solutions the contract for the engineering of, and supplying services to, an LNG truck-loading infrastructure project, according to the company's release.
The pilot station is part of the Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) development programme for the Revithoussa LNG Cryogenic Facilities Terminal at the Gulf of Megara, west of Athens. The terminal has a storage capacity of 225,000 m3 and is a strategical milestone for Greece, providing security of energy supply, operational flexibility in the transmission system, and increased capability to meet peak gas-demand.
About TERNA S.A.
TERNA, the GEK TERNA Group’s construction division, has been actively involved in the implementation of a broad spectrum of public and private projects of considerable budget and complex know-how for half a century. The company’s expertise spans from concession contracts to the construction of infrastructure projects (highway – metro – railway) and energy power plants (thermal, wind, hydro) to industrial buildings and E/M installations, as well as to a wide spectrum of building projects (hospitals, resorts, cultural centres, office buildings, etc.) GEK TERNA GROUP is one of the leading business groups in Greece with realised investments of more than €2.5 billion in recent years. The Group has a leading position in the fields of infrastructure, energy production, supply and trade from thermal sources and RES, concessions, waste management as well as real estate development and management.